Introducing Entity Framework Seeder

In a previous blog post, we discussed a fairly straight forward mechanism for seeding an Entity Framework database from a CSV file using the CsvHelper package.

Since then, I have created a package that simplifies this process even further.

Install-Package EntityFramework.Seeder.EF6

Seeding Simple Entities

Assume we are working with a very a very simple lookup entity like a  Country:

public class Country
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }


Create a CSV file with a Code and Name column. We do not need an ID column because the ID will be auto-generated by the database.

USA,United States


Include the CSV file as an embedded resource in your C# project. In your seed method call the SeedFromResource extension method on the Countries DbSet, specifying the name of the embedded resource and the property that uniquely identifies a Country. The unique property is required to ensure that the same Country is not added to the database a second time if the Country already exists in the database.

context.Countries.SeedFromResource("MyProject.countries.csv", c => c.Code);

Seeding Entities with Relationships

Let’s extend the model to include the concept of Provinces / States.

public class Country
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual IList<ProvinceState> ProvinceStates { get; set; }

public class ProvinceState
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual Country Country { get; set; }


Now when we are loading Provinces / States we need to connect them with correct Country. To do this, define a CSV file with a Code and Name column and an additional CountryCode column. The CountryCode column will be used to find the correct Country for the Province / State.



When Seeding the provinces, specify an additional CsvColumnMapping parameter. This parameter is used to tell Entity Framework Seeder how to find the correct Country based on the CountryCode column.

context.Countries.SeedFromResource("MyProject.countries.csv", c => c.Code);
context.ProvinceStates.SeedFromResource("MyProject.provincestates.csv", p => p.Code,
        new CsvColumnMapping<ProvinceState>("CountryCode", (state, countryCode) =>
                state.Country = context.Countries.Single(c => c.Code == countryCode);


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You can find Entity Framework Seeder on GitHub and on Nuget.